ditch the diets & create sustainable habits for a lifetime of health.

1:1 nutrition counseling

Stop questioning what’s right or wrong for your health. Instead, feel peace of mind by discovering how to nourish your unique body and create lasting habits.

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diets don't work – learning to listen to body does.

habits that last a lifetime

I utilize a holistic approach that integrates gentle nutrition and lifestyle strategies that address the root cause of various health concerns. By stepping away from diet culture, I help people create sustainable habits to support their wellness goals.

Whether you’re struggling with a chronic condition or simply are looking to optimize your nutrition, I’m here to help. I utilize a non-diet approach to help individuals achieve their goals, heal their relationship with food, and break the cycle of dieting. 

Work with me to find food freedom. I won’t prescribe a diet but rather promote a lifestyle that allows you to tackle your nutrition goals and live symptom-free, all without fearing food. 

i serve people who struggle with...

Disordered eating & Eating disorders

I won’t ever recommend a diet, but instead will give you the tools and knowledge for you to create a positive relationship with food.

Inflammatory conditions & chronic disease

Learn how to fuel your body in a balanced, non-restricted way to combat inflammation and manage your health. No crash diets. No strict food rules.

Digestive disorders – IBS, IBD, SIBO

We’ll work together to manage your chronic digestive concerns without unnecessary food restriction. 

"Ashley Sobel is a smart, compassionate, and very knowledgeable nutritionist.

She has an amazing professional demeanor and was helpful at every visit I had with her. She assisted me with integrating healthy carbs back into my diet - a change that made me feel so much better! I highly recommend her to anyone seeking dietary/nutritional guidance and support!”


"Ashley is really supportive and encouraging. She's incredibly warm and never judgmental, ever."


"Ashley is super encouraging!

She celebrates your successes, provides thoughtful suggestions based on your goals, and doesn't allow you to be too hard on yourself.”


"It was truly encouraging—which I didn't expect!

I'm so used to discussions about eating healthy making me feel deprived. Your approach is so refreshing and left me feeling empowered. I can't thank you enough.”


initial consult

how it works

This Initial Consultation is a 60-minute session where I’ll delve into your diet history and goals. I’ll dive into your questionnaire, food log, dietary assessment, past medical history, review any labs available (as applicable), etc. 

We’ll create a plan of action, and agree upon foundational goals to get you started.  




After you’ve completed your initial appointment, we'll have follow up sessions to see how things are working, what challenges you might be facing, and how to progress forward. 

Follow-up appointments are 30 minutes and are important for ongoing support and accountability. 




The program will adjust depending on your needs! It may include specific nutrition education topics you want to learn about, customized meal plans (i.e. updates to your nutrition plan), functional nutrition and health strategies, healthy cooking education, motivational techniques, and more. 

I’m here to help you every step of the way, hold you accountable, educate, and empower you to live a healthier life. 


I take some insurance plans!

I encourage all clients to explore their out-of-network benefits within their individual policies. If I do not currently accept your insurance, I can provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, but please note that the client is responsible for full payment at the end of each session and a superbill does not guarantee reimbursement from insurance companies for sessions. 

i am currently
able to accept:

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 ready to take charge of your health?

It's time to ditch the diets. Let's work together to create sustainable habits for a lifetime of health.
Don’t let arbitrary food rules suck the fun out of food. Life is too short and food is too fun to be held captive by the wrath of diet culture. 

book your appt.


frequently asked

No problem! It's important to find a dietitian who you feel you click with and will meet your needs. To see if we'd be a good fit, I offer a FREE 15-minute discovery call prior to booking an appointment. During this call we'll chat about what you're looking for, and we can discuss how my approach may fit your needs. From there you can decide to book an initial consult. 

I practice from a Health at Every Size framework. The goals we set will not specifically target weight loss, because after all, actively pursuing weight loss doesn't work. In fact, restriction and dieting can wreak havoc on metabolic function, as well as your relationship with food and body. Rather, I can help you set goals that may improve other health markers, while helping you to foster a healthy relationship with food, and helping you feel your best.

No way! Food is fun and meant to be enjoyed. I practice with an all-foods-fit lens. All foods fit into a balanced diet. Unless you have an allergy, there is no reason to cut out any food. We can work together to neutralize foods, and blur the line between "good" and "bad" foods. We can work to remove the morality around food so you can enjoy all your favorite foods without a side of guilt. 

Up Your Meal Planning game


Get your free PDF Meal Plan template for better organization and accountability with your nutrition goals.

way to go for taking charge of your health!

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